Prime Access

Gogo React – React Admin Template Gogo is a combination of beautifully crafted admin panel and fully featured landing page.




Gogo’s main focus is attention for details and quality.
We used same design language for components, layouts, apps and other parts of the themes.
Hope you enjoy it!


+ Right Click Menu
+ Video Player
+ Keyboard Shortcuts
+ Two Panels Menu
+ Icons Mind (Save $79)
+ 10 Color Schemes
+ 3 Applications
+ Lots of Components


+ Dashboard.psd
+ Chat.psd
+ Details.psd
+ Library.psd
+ ListImage.psd
+ ListThumbs.psd
+ Login.psd
+ Mailing.psd
+ Survey.psd
+ RightModal.psd
+ Profile-Social.psd
+ Profile-Portfolio.psd
+ Profile-Portfolio-Detail.psd
+ Details.psd
+ Coming.Soon.psd
+ Knowledge.Base.psd


+ Availity Reactstrap Validation
+ Axios
+ Chart.js
+ Chartjs Plugin Datalabels
+ Classnames
+ Draft.js
+ Fine Uploader
+ Firebase
+ Moment
+ Rc-slider
+ Rc-switch
+ React
+ React Autosuggest
+ React Big Calendar
+ React Chartjs 2
+ React Circular Progressbar
+ ReactJS Datepicker
+ ReactDOM
+ React Fine Uploader
+ React Intl
+ React Loadable
+ React Perfect Scrollbar
+ React Quill
+ React Rater
+ React Redux
+ React Router Dom
+ React Select
+ React Sortable
+ React Table
+ React Tagsinput
+ React Transition Group
+ Reactstrap
+ Redux
+ Redux Saga
+ Sortable
+ Videojs


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